Building Products + Furnishings
01 Computer + Tools 05 Metals 09 Finishes 13 Special Construction
02 Site Construction 06 Wood + Plastics 10 Specialties 14 Conveying Systems
03 Concrete 07 Thermal + Moisture 11 Equip. + Appliances 15 Plumbing + HVAC
04 Masonry + Stone 08 Doors + Windows 12 Furnishings 16 Lighting + Electrical

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Manufacturer Opportunities

Company Location Phone Company Location Phone Company Location Phone
Architectural Fittings BC 604.710.2576
AVCON Manufacturing NJ 732.286.9496
CrystaLite WA 425.259.6000
Dolle USA MN 855.365.5387
Jakob Rope Systems FL 561.330.6502
San Diego Cable Railings CA 844.277.7327
Wagner WI 888.243.6914 showcases the best Metals product manufacturers in North America. Metals products include: Metal Materials & Methods, Metal Materials, Aluminum, Brass, Steel, Stainless Steel, Cortan Steel, Factory-Applied Metal Coatings, Metal Fastenings & Framing Hardware, Structural Metal Framing, Structural Steel, Structural Aluminum, Wire Rope Assemblies, Space Frame Systems, Steel & Aluminum Metal Joists, Steel & Aluminum Metal Decks, Cold Formed Metal Framing & Metal Studs, Metal Stairs, Spiral Stairs, Ladders, Scuttles & Balconies, Metal Handrails, Railings & Guardrails, Glass Railings & Guardrails, Metal Gratings, Plates, Treads & Nosing, Metal Castings & Moldings, Metal Fabrications: Formed Metalwork, Architectural Metal, Etching & Finishes, Ornamental: Stairs, Ornamental Metal, Railings & Castings, Expansion Control: Joint/Bearing/Anchor, Metal Restoration & Cleaning.
your source for the best in building + design