Building Products + Furnishings
01 Computer + Tools 05 Metals 09 Finishes 13 Special Construction
02 Site Construction 06 Wood + Plastics 10 Specialties 14 Conveying Systems
03 Concrete 07 Thermal + Moisture 11 Equip. + Appliances 15 Plumbing + HVAC
04 Masonry + Stone 08 Doors + Windows 12 Furnishings 16 Lighting + Electrical

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Manufacturer Opportunities

Company Location Phone Company Location Phone Company Location Phone
Agrob Buchtal GA 770.442.5500
Arkema PA 610.205.7898
CBR Products BC 888.311.5339
Cellofoam North America GA 770.929.3688
Cement Board Fabricators KY 502.744.5757
Coat 'N' Cool HMS CA 866.971.6935
Corev America TX 713.937.3437
Custom Panel Systems MO 314.631.9244
Durapax PA 610-579-9075
Dyplast Products SC 864.224.0900
Flame Stop TX 817.306.1222
GAF Structural Coatings SC 800.770.6466
Gemite Products NY 905.672.2020
Georgia-Pacific GA 800.225.6119
Houston Foam Plastics TX 713.224.3484
Kebony VA 540.904.6781
Mapes Industries NE 800.228.2391
MetalWalk GA 800.868.9910
Metalwërks PA 610.444.7280
NCFI Polyurethanes NC 800.346.8229
Parex USA CA 800.537.2739
Plymouth Foam WI 800.669.1176
QC Facades UT 877.994.6246
ROCKWOOL North America ON 800.265.6878
Roof Slope by ICP Group CA 800.364.0287
Shelter Enterprises NY 518.237.4100
Shildan NJ 215.525.4510
Symmetry International RI 401.365.6272 showcases the best Thermal & Moisture protection product manufacturers in North America. Thermal & Moisture products include: Thermal & Moisture Protection, Covering, Damp proofing & Waterproofing, Coatings: Pedestrian & Vehicular Traffic, Thermal Insulation & Protection, Building Insulation, Roof Insulation & Deck Insulation, Vapor Barriers, Moisture Barriers, Air Barriers, Shingles, Roof Tiles & Roof Coverings, Clay Roof Tile, Concrete Roof Tiles, Metal Roof Tiles, Vinyl Roof Tiles, Composite Roof Tiles, Metal Roofing, Metal Wall Panels, Stone Roofing & Stone Wall Panels, Plastic & Composite Roofing, Plastic & Composite Wall Panels, Aluminum Siding, Aluminum Panels, Vinyl Siding, Membrane Roofing, Decking & Built-up Roofs, URMA Roofs, Roof Maintenance & Repairs, Flashing & Sheet Metal, Roof Specialty: Vents, Gutters, Fasteners, Fire & Smoke Protection, Fireproofing, Joint Sealants & Caulking.
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