Building Products + Furnishings
01 Computer + Tools 05 Metals 09 Finishes 13 Special Construction
02 Site Construction 06 Wood + Plastics 10 Specialties 14 Conveying Systems
03 Concrete 07 Thermal + Moisture 11 Equip. + Appliances 15 Plumbing + HVAC
04 Masonry + Stone 08 Doors + Windows 12 Furnishings 16 Lighting + Electrical

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Manufacturer Opportunities

Company Location Phone Company Location Phone Company Location Phone
DERBIGUM Americas MO 800.727.9872 or 816.921.0221
Durapax PA 610-579-9075
Georgia-Pacific GA 800.225.6119
Layfield Group WA 800.796.6868
Northern Elastomeric NH 603.778.8899
Roof Aqua Guard BC 888.840.3435 showcases the best Thermal & Moisture protection product manufacturers in North America. Thermal & Moisture products include: Thermal & Moisture Protection, Covering, Damp proofing & Waterproofing, Coatings: Pedestrian & Vehicular Traffic, Thermal Insulation & Protection, Building Insulation, Roof Insulation & Deck Insulation, Vapor Barriers, Moisture Barriers, Air Barriers, Shingles, Roof Tiles & Roof Coverings, Clay Roof Tile, Concrete Roof Tiles, Metal Roof Tiles, Vinyl Roof Tiles, Composite Roof Tiles, Metal Roofing, Metal Wall Panels, Stone Roofing & Stone Wall Panels, Plastic & Composite Roofing, Plastic & Composite Wall Panels, Aluminum Siding, Aluminum Panels, Vinyl Siding, Membrane Roofing, Decking & Built-up Roofs, URMA Roofs, Roof Maintenance & Repairs, Flashing & Sheet Metal, Roof Specialty: Vents, Gutters, Fasteners, Fire & Smoke Protection, Fireproofing, Joint Sealants & Caulking.
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