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Vantage Controls by Legrand
1061 South 800 East
Orem, UT 84097

Tel : 800.555.9891
Fax: 801.224.0355
Contact: Sales + Marketing

Ronald Wilson, President + CEO

Vantage Controls, designs and manufactures stylish keypads to replace old-fashioned light switches, along with computerized control and dimming systems using conditional logic to automate lights, fans, pumps, thermostats, audio/video equipment, sprinklers, motorized drapes/blinds/doors and more. All these are integrated into various scenes (simple to complex programs) that execute on a regular schedule or when activated by sensors and buttons.

Product Categories:
16050 Electrical Materials + Methods
16100 Wiring Methods
16400 Low-Voltage Distribution
16500 Lighting
16502 Residential Lighting
16515 Low-Voltage Lighting
16570 Signal + Dimming Control
16580 Lighting Switches, Outlets + Trim

Commercial + Residential


Showrooms / Distributors:
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InFusion Design Center, the software that accompanies the InFusion Controller, has been specifically designed around the dealers’ needs: saving time and increasing the opportunity to make more money.
The Keypad Stations quickly and easily connect to the Vantage system on a simple nonpolarized two-wire bus.
Vantage Communicating Thermostat
The TPT700 is a completely customizable tablet PC touchscreen that provides the homeowner with wireless control of their Vantage system.
DesignerToolbox blows away the notion that a fully custom, attractive, and useful user interface needs to be expensive or difficult to program.
Master Controller
The TPT1210 is a completely customizable tablet PC touchscreen that provides the homeowner with complete wireless control of their Vantage System.
Brands / Products:
Lighting Controls: Central, Device, Touch; Audio + Video Controls: Central Device, Touch; Climate Controls: Central, Device, Touch; Pool + Landscape Controls: Central, Device, Touch; Retrofit Controls: Central, Touch; Vantage Software

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