New York, NY 10024
Tel : 201.618.834
Fax: 973.773.8458
A small, sensual collection designed to adapt to the life and space of
the owner. An elegant New York City spatial solution. Deceptively ascetic,
each piece of furniture multitasks, revealing a poetic beauty of its own.
Each detail meticulously constructed using centuries-old technique and
respect for craftsmanship. The hand-rubbed oil finish begs to be touched,
the cushions promise dense physical comfort. The monastic updated to
hip studio life.
Product Categories:
12400 Furnishings + Accessories
12500 Furniture
12520 Seating: Chairs, Benches + Stools
12580 Residential Furniture + Furnishings
12581 Living + Dining Room Furniture
12582 Bedroom Furniture + Furnishings
12586 Modern Furniture: Residential
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