Passive Fire Protection Partners
The principals of Passive Fire Protection Partners have been involved in the application of North American made firestop materials since the industry's inception. They became acutely aware of the toxic contents of these products (as evidenced by warnings on the labels and safety data sheets) and were convinced that existing materials must be improved for ease of use and user safety.
Product Categories:
03600 Grouts
04060 Masonry Mortar + Grout
06070 Fire-Retardant Treatment Wood
07050 Thermal + Moisture Protection/Covering
07100 Damp proofing + Waterproofing
07800 Fire + Smoke Protection, + Fireproofing
07900 Joint Sealants + Caulking
15300 Fire Protection + Sprinkler Systems
Commercial + Residential
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Brands / Products:
Firestop 3600EX, 4100NS, 4100SL, 4800DW, EBI-60, 5100SP, PPC Collars, Intumescent Strip, Putty Pads, and Putty Stick
New Products:
Putty Pads for Electrical Outlet Boxes,