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Buzon Pedestals International
Prolongement de l'Abbaye, 134
Herstal-Belgium, BEL

Tel : 011-32-4 248 39 83
Fax: 011-32-4 264 82 38
Contact: Laurent Buzon

Managing Director: Claude Buzon
Technical Export Manager: Laurent Buzon
Technical Consultant: Erik Nelson(WEST USA) and Frederic Zonsius (EAST USA)

Buzon® screwjack pedestals have been installed in 35 countries in a broad array of applications for public spaces, commercial and industrial buildings and private residences. Architects and construction professionals have used Buzon pedestals to create unique spaces that inspire, entertain, and build community. Applications include: Roof Decks & Balconies, Plazas & Terraces, Water Features, Deck Systems, Green Roofs & Roof Gardens, Pedestrian Pathways & Walkways, Illuminated Floors, Temporary Floors, Industrial decking and other niche applications.

Product Categories:
02050 Site Materials + Methods
02780 Hardscapes, Unit Pavers + Porous Paving
03500 Cementitious Decks + Underlayment
06150 Decking, Deck Tiles, Sheathing + Sub Flooring
07555 Green Roofing + Wall Systems
07725 Roof Walkways + Pads
09050 Finish Materials + Methods
10270 Access Flooring

Commercial + Residential


Showrooms / Distributors:
CONTACT US: Branches Buzon USA EST NYC Buzon West USA Portland
See Locations

Green Green Products
Buzon Pedestals with wood decking surface and stone.
Buzon Pedestals with stringers for wood decking.
Buzon Pedestals and stone in illuminated terrace.
Buzon Pedestals with wood and pavers in private residential balcony.
Buzon Pedestals with stone on rooftop terrace that transforms into a lake.
Buzon Pedestals DPH Series and spacer tabs shown with dimensional stone.
Buzon Pedestals with stone for interactive fountain.
Buzon Pedestals BC Series shown with non-dimensional material.
Buzon Pedestals in multiple fountain water feature.
Buzon Pedestals with wood decking.
Buzon Pedestals with wood decking in rooftop application.
Brands / Products:
Buzon screwjack pedestals are height adjustable and can be slope corrected in order to create level surfaces made of natural stone, concrete pavers, wood tile or decking, engineered wood products and composites, ceramic or glass tile, and steel or fiberglass grating.

PB Series

New Products:
Buzon pedestal products are used in a wide range of applications including: Roof Decks & Balconies, Plazas & Terraces, Water Features, Deck Systems, Green Roofs & Roof Gardens, Pedestrian Pathways & Walkways, Illuminated Floors, Temporary Floors, Industrial decking as well as other specialized applications.

Green Statement/Products:
Buzon pedestals are made from 78% recycled material and they’re 100% recyclable, which means you get points toward green building.
Green Design


Designing with Buzon Pedestals
Installing Buzon Pedestal Products
The Buzon Difference
Sign up for the Buzon Bulletin
Technical Links:
Video Demonstration of Slope Correction System
Pedestal Installation FAQs
Pedestal Design FAQs
Take-Off Services

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