Jenny Carritt – Executive Director
Andy Zeigler – President
Rhizomatous Tall Fescue (RTF©) is an advanced generation of turf-type tall fescue which produces rhizomes. A rhizome is an underground stem that penetrates laterally through the soil to spread the plant. Rhizomes send shoots up to the soil surface while extending new roots downward, forming a new plant. The rhizomatous nature of RTF is similar to Kentucky bluegrass. However, unlike Kentucky bluegrass RTF will survive the transition zone climate and other tall fescue turf regions.
Product Categories:
02050 Site Materials + Methods
02370 Erosion + Sedimentation Control
02790 Athletic + Recreational Surfaces
02800 Improvements + Amenities
02882 Sport Fields + Play Fields
02900 Planting, Trees, Lawns + Landscape
02945 Planting Accessories + Landscape Edging
Commercial + Residential
Background:Market | International |
Founded | 2002 |
Showrooms | 37 |
Showrooms / Distributors:
Only licensed sod growers have access to the RTF seed that produces the RTF Sod. Ask for your RTF certificate to guarantee genuine RTF sod.
Click here for a listing of Sod Growers